Time-Tested Sailmaking
Dedicated to handcrafting outstanding sails that are built to perform, last for years, and complement your vessel.
Custom Sail Design
Sail Repair
Running & Standing Rigging
Receive the highest quality of construction and design that this loft has historically provided the sailing community, using the time-honored, proven standards of proper sailmaking.
"Sherman not only knows how to sew sails right, but he understands how to do it so they’ll shape right and perform underway."

Just like Nat would do it
I learned sailmaking under the mentorship of master sailmaker Nat Wilson.
After an Ocean Classroom semester aboard the schooner Harvey Gamage in 2015, I came to the loft as a work study student from Boothbay Regional High School.
While working for Nat, I worked on sails ranging from sailing dinghies to racing yachts and ships.
He has taught me everything I know. I continue to build sails to the highest degree, with a close eye for detail.
I am proud to continue his work and preserve the time proven methods of sailmaking he learned over 50 years ago.
